Classic Car Auction Yearbook

Dal 1994 il Classic Car Auction Yearbook è la “Bibbia” del mercato delle auto da collezione, offrendo ai suoi lettori un’analisi estremamente approfondita e unica basata sui risultati di vendita delle più importanti aste internazionali, riportando i valori di aggiudicazione di decine di migliaia di vetture, individuate dal numero di telaio.

Più informazioni

Historica Selecta

Come specialista di riferimento sul mercato internazionale delle autovetture d’epoca, paladina della conservazione storica, Historica Selecta si trova spesso a fornire consulenza ai più importanti costruttori automobilistici, musei e collezionisti.

Cosa Dicono di Noi

The Classic Car Trust

“The book offers everyone the opportunity to play with numbers, creating their own personal analysis.”

Classic & Sports Car

“For anyone wanting to keep apace with the market the annual has become an essential reference for collectors and dealers.”

“A favorite book”

Chester Allen

“The volume has always been a ‘must-have’ on every serious collector’s bookshelf, the definitive written account of annual classic car trading…This year’s edition is no exception.”


“La “Bibbia” del settore”

“Das Classic Car Auction Yearbook gehört zu den Sandardwerken für Oldtimersammler, – Interessenten und -händlern.”

“Doing anything for twenty-five straight years – particularly doing it with style, insight, and accuracy – means you’re very good at it or very persistent, but most likely a combination of both. Orsi and Gazzi have those attributes in abundance.”

Rick Carey

“Price Guides are useful references but for serious buyers who wish to be informed there is no better way to scope out value perceptions and trends than in these easy-to-read and sequentially-organized pages.”

“A favourite in the [Classic Cars] office…”

“There is a lot – no, that should be emphasized – a lot, of work that went into making the Classic Car Auction Yearbook both relevant and informative. That exhaustive attention to detail, concise summaries and excellent design are what makes the Classic Car Auction Yearbook so valuable, not only as the catalyst for revisiting twelve months of auction history but also as an invaluable reference work.”

Hemmings Motor News

“There’s no better single way for keeping track of the international collector-car market than this beautifully produced hardcover volume.”

“[A] massive and fascinatingly detailed book full of auction results, charts and graphs…”

“Finding – and reading – well-sourced information is key to navigating the collector-car market. One of the more valuable arrows in my quiver is the comprehensive set of graphs, charts and analytical commentary found in the Classic Car Auction Yearbook.”

Donald Osborne

“A copy of Historica Selecta’s new Classic Car Yearbook is an essential addition to any collector’s coffee table…”

Society Automotive Historians

“This book shows that data can be beautiful – and that flipping pages may be a more desirable way to graze and digest data.”

Classic & Sports Car

“I love these books.”

Alain de Cadenet

La Manovella

“Ecco cosa significa sfogliare questo libro: fare un tuffo in un mondo dorato, dove la statistica si mischia con l’emozione e la passione.”

“Now in its 25th edition, this hardback annual is the definitive ‘go to’ resource for anyone interested in the classic car market.”

Mark Dixon

Hemmings Motor News

“We at Hemmings find it an indispensable part of our research library.”

Motor Klassik

“Sensationelle Nachschlage-werk”

“…this thorough, beautifully done annually-released book provides an exceptional recap reference on the status of the then-current market.”